What is CCLI?
All Songs For School songs are registered with Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI).
CCLI provides to schools and other organisations an annual licence to cover many activities associated with their acts of worship. Details about each licence available can be found here.
Because copyright law and licensing is complex, CCLI offers a simple way to access and use Songs For School songs and resources without needing to arrange individual licences.
Ordering a CCLI Licence and submitting accurate reports is a great way to support Songs For School.
For schools
Permission is required to produce song sheets, copy sheet music or project song words onto a big screen for pupils to sing. CCLI’s licences provide that permission on our behalf, easing the cost and administrative burden of copyright on schools.
Many schools are not aware that the Schools Printed Music Licence (SPML) currently provided by the CLA does not cover the use of songs in assemblies and during times of collective worship. CCLI’s licences fill this gap, permitting the fair and legal use of songs in this context.
For churches
CCLI’s licences permit the fair and legal use, reproduction and distribution of our content and media – to include within printed bulletins, to copy and share, or project onto a big screen.